Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Throwback Tuesday

Greetings All! For this Throwback post I am going far back, and I mean really far, to when I was about 14 years old, and I started working my very first job at Chick-fil-A.

That's right folks. I know I've been working in the office world for close to 7 years now, but it took a while. In fact, I seriously worked both jobs for a few Christmas Seasons. It's like I couldn't get enough.  After being a proud employee of this company for 9 years, I finally quit. That certainly doesn't stop me from treating myself to a delicious chicken sandwich every now and again. In fact, C and I don't eat out much, but when we do we always go back to CFA. The chicken is the freshest of any fast food restaurant. It really does start out raw when it goes into the fryer. This is not typical of any fast food restaurant.
Also, you might find it odd to eat chicken for breakfast. But you have clearly never had one of these from scratch chicken biscuits.

Don't even get me started on the chicken minis...and their honey-buttery goodness.

Okay, now that you are officially going to CFA as soon as possible, I'll fill you in on some other awesome facts about the company.
It's such a clean and family friendly place to eat. Click HERE for a link to see all of the events that CFA has for your family. Then find one near you and enjoy!
Chick-fil-A is a family-owned and family-led organization that runs on Biblically based principals. They are closed on Sundays and are super kind to customers. In fact, all team members say "My Pleasure" when serving customers. Don't believe me, I dare you to go find out for yourself! While I sometimes crave some sweet tea on a Sunday, I simply wouldn't have it any other way. I always had Sundays off to spend time with my friends and family, and my church friends and family.
I also received a college scholarship from Chick-fil-A for working there so many hours. Not only did my stable part-time job help put me through school, it literally paid for some of it.
When things would get a little crazy at work, we would always joke and say "Do it for Truett". If you are unfamiliar, Truett Cathy is the founder of Chick-fil-A and is also the founder of many foster homes, the WinShape Foundation. He has such and heart and passion for impacting youth, he even wrote this book. If you are interested in reading, or if you are a parent, I would highly recommend you pick up this book today. While short and simple, "It's Better to Build Boys than Mend Men" is inspiring at best. No one would know better than Truett himself, seeing as he changed the lives of so many children with his foster homes.
I fully stand behind and support everything that fast food chain stands for and I will leave you with their corporate policy, that I think we could all try to apply more to our personal lives.
"To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A".


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