Monday, September 30, 2013

Craigslist is for winners.

It's been a while since my last post. We haven't started any major projects, but instead, have been tying up some loose-ends. We venture to mow the grass and visit the Apple Orchard quite often.
This past weekend, we visited with the Greek and his wife. The leaves are really starting to fall. You know what that's almost hunting season! C and I both started the process of sighting in our rifles. Mine was right on Target, literally. C had some issues with his, but after a box of bullets and some help with the scope from those kind people at the gun store, he was able to get things sorted out.
The leaves are falling, so we hit the roof to clean the gutters and trimmed some branches.
In other news, we said "goodbye" this weekend to two items that will hold a special place in our hearts.
On Friday, we passed along my Vino Scooter to a college kid. He will enjoy the gas mileage, I'm sure!

We owned the Vino for over 2 years and it was time to pass it along.
We also found a very happy home for the Teardrop.
We loaded it up yesterday afternoon!

We are looking forward to our new SHED being delivered. That's right, our shed is in the works. Courtesy of Andrew Coblentz, our new Amish friend. I would put a website on here...but, he doesn't have one! My kind of business.
It's going to be cute! We decided on 10x16, which will give us plenty of storage space. I.CANNOT.WAIT.
Storage and organization should probably be my job. Seriously.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Emmett's Orchard

Hello All! Things have been a little crazy in the Pyles household, and everything related to the property is kind of taking a back seat. C had drill this past weekend and ended up being sent out of town. That being said, I decided to go and hang out with the Greek and his wife anyways.
We didn't do any work, though, and it was very relaxing. The first stop: Emmett's Apple Orchard.
This place is just the cutest, and I cannot think of a better way to get in the fall spirit. We tried cider, and pumpkin butter and fritters and I could go on and on forever.
This is a small, family owned company that is only open for the fall season and then for a Christmas showing in December. I really cannot put how darling it is into words, so I'll just show the proof.
The farmhouse is in the distance, and the building closest to the camera is the gift barn.


This is where they house the animals.
And here are just a few of them. Goats, horses, there is a pig on the left.

This is Cider. He is the pet, he just roams around and lets people pet him!
Just a pic of some of the items in the craft barn.

And my new favorite thing: a burlap leaf bag! Much better than those plastic things!


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