Saturday, December 22, 2012

Hows Your Fence Pt. Deux

After recovering rather quickly from the horrible home depot & lowes display of bad lumber I pressed on, determined to find a reasonable place that carried real wood at real prices. That is when i stumbled across our salvation of fencing with West Virginia Split Rail.

My only concern was that I would not be able to find it locally and would have to freight it from some faraway land. Since we are only fencing frontage and not a horse pasture, I did not want to have to pay more to ship than the wood was worth. On second thought that would not really be too much of an issue seeing how the sleeveless one is attempting to solely finance an entire oil sheiks lifestyle by driving old blue to Morgantown, sometimes multiple times in one day. I called around an found that HPStarr carried it and had more than enough for our needs. Unless of course you follow the measurements given to us by the greek and chriff - I'm fairly confident they did not measure the right property, infact I am not convince he even measured at all. The sleeveless one and I decided that we would stop early Saturday when they opened to pick up the first of many purchases for the property. Except for the un-named person who can't park their car correctly in our back pad at the apartment, the weekend seemed to be going without an issue.

So far so good- but not so fast.

We went in at the top of the hill to wave at the property before heading down do the greeks. The sleeveless one pulled in though because he saw both shed doors were wide open. B-e-a-utiful. Sure enough, as expected, the entire stack of rough cut lumber had mysteriously disappeared in the last 5 days. With the stench of discount beer and poor personal hygiene in the air, we knew who the culprit was. Regardless we had 12 cups, started a fire and began the well known fence digging ritual. Oh and called the police because in case you were un-aware it takes 3 days for them to arrive. Welcome to living in the country! There were quite a few large rocks in the way but for the most part it went faster than we expected. So for a Saturday, half filled with state trooper mumbo jumbo, we at least got all the sections laid out and got 5 sections put in along the long side before we called it quits. Not a bad day after all.

On Sunday I woke up at 0 dark 30 for the coffee club, (a now weekly tradition it seems) came home, had some breakfast and then A & I got right back to it with the fence. We ran out of sections because we decided, while building, to go up the driveway an additional section before having the two rails drop down on the ground. So although we finished what we had, as far as supplies go, we will need to give it another go round to completely finish the job. Hopefully this time without a surprise discount beer, brut wearing, motherless shed theft.


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